An outdoor campaign we created in partnership with the Bulgarian Association of Road Accident Victims. The reason, unfortunately, is pretty clear. The challenge was to think of a strong creative that stands out without scaring or rebuking drivers.

Ideas Lab brand creative concept outdoor campaign keep calm and drive safely; Креативна концепция карай си спокойно билборд кампания от комуникационна агенция Айдиъс Лаб
Ideas Lab brand creative concept outdoor campaign keep calm and drive safely; Креативна концепция карай си спокойно билборд кампания от комуникационна агенция Айдиъс Лаб
Ideas Lab brand creative concept outdoor campaign keep calm and drive safely; Креативна концепция карай си спокойно билборд кампания от комуникационна агенция Айдиъс Лаб

What is a brand creative concept? It’s how we solve a business problem creatively. We do brainstormings to come up with an outstanding idea that will distinguish your brand from all others on the market.